Monday, July 27, 2015


One thing I always say about the Kenai River is that nothing's ever forever. This is a dynamic gorgeous , fertile and resilient fishery and just like I expected it's back from a period of 'low abundance'. We have fished all month and harvested and on Saturday ADF+G allowed for use of bait as escapement of Kings is assured. This down turn in Kings all over the state has been a bit of a soul check for people but as Kevin Fowler sings.... " the suns coming up, the suns on my face, my half empty glass is half full today, and I know the right turn is just around the bend, off in the distance I see my ship coming lately I'm seeing a change in the wind, one chapter closes and another begins...and I know it's just a matter of WHEN....

Here's a few normal pics of the Kenai. Fish this week like the lovely Nicole caught. The graph that tells our story this year compared to the last two and just a normal ol view of some of the creatures that we share this wonderful place with.
Now the next pic is Randy helping his new wife Daniella hold up her fish....but the coolest thing was that this group were just my kind of fishermen. Just at days end when I was literally saying " OK we're going to give this just 2 more minutes " Randy's rod went off and the King salmon ran and fought and circled and all was going text book until it jumped eye level and created it's own slack throwing the Kwikfish lure over the boat and making us all duck... and instead of second guessing like I've heard many times or moaning in disappointment Randy, Chris, Gloria and Daniella all laughed and said ' what a perfect way to end a perfect day" guys can fish with me any day.
All of that is the kind of the usual Kenai stuff. You know me, I'm always on the look out for the unusual and the thing you seldom or never here's a few of those for the week.

How about a broke down Honda ? you never see that. I actually wanted to ask the guy if it was out of gas but thought better of that. I saw my old 'million dollar boat' yesterday with it's Honda still running fine....with 7500 hours on it.
How about a crocheted tree vest, you never see that....last thing we need is our trees getting cold around here.
How about capable government employees that know how to run their boats, you don't see that every day. After watching some of the yo-yo's from different agencies that I will respectively let remain anonymous but that anybody who reads Mile 14 knows of whom I speak....well it was just refreshing to see professionals and we even waived the launch fee for them.
Ty Tobias with a that's something you don't see very often.
And how about a smokin deal on a slightly used bait fridge once owned by a legendary Kenai River guide. Opportunities like this you just don't see everyday. Can you believe we left it along the road at Mile 14 on the busiest weekend of the year and nobody grabbed it ????


  1. As the Kenai winds up, we are winding down:-(

  2. As the Kenai winds up, we are winding down:-(
