Tuesday, December 31, 2019

20 - 20

Mother earth has changed,
since I was a child.
The east is a beast, 
and the west is really wild,
and the headlines say,
the news is grim ,
and the future don't look so bright.
                         Toby Keith

mmmmm.... twenty twenty, you optometrists words for perfect vision. Lately I wonder if we even have vision at all . We live in time when if you see a duck it's really a chicken because if it were a duck you'd be wrong to point out it's really a chicken. Do I sound confused ? Well I am. So for my part in the year 2020 I'm going to work on my vision and I encourage the rest of you to kinda keep and eye out ( hows that for a double illiteration ) for the simpleness of believing what you see. If we're going to move this ol planet forward we've got to start seeing the obvious and then as unpleasant as the truth might be we gotta deal with it....O.K. , kapeesch ?

As I type this 20 years ago to the hour I was on Alaska Airlines headed home to Alaska to beat the disruption that the Y2K deal was certainly going to bring. I'm not really the paranoid type but I do know human nature and it was believable to me that the smartest guys in the world who built the Internet forgot to program a change of digits for the change of a century. I was by myself visiting my folks and I figured that seeings how I had to go back to Alaska anyway why not do it before the year 2000. It didn't help that a couple days before I left Alaska the conversation at the Elks lodge moved to  the Y2K deal and my friend Hobo Jim took me out in the parking lot and opened his trunk to show me how he was prepared for it....Yikes, Jim had gas masks, survival food, boxes of ammo...yup all that was on my mind while I jetted back to safety of Mile 14. Boy oh boy we should have problems like that now eh ?

Oh man, I could go on....but lets talk fishing, let me  share what I see, my vision. I see an elated kid, if he's caught fish before you wouldn't know it. I see a life's pursuit ahead for him and a lifestyle that helps you deal with all that life throws you and then you just go fishing.  I see a mom doing it all just right, she might be single she might be married in either case she puts him first, it's love, it's simple.
I've caught bigger roosterfish but I haven't caught any that I worked as hard for as this one. I see a gorgeous creature and see the kid above catching one just like it when he's retired and trying to replay his youth....fishing can do that too ya know. I see tenacity and the art of not quiting . Lockwood told me the other day to keep the faith and of course I always do . This little guy swam right off to the future,
Christmas morning we had a chance to give ol mother nature a boost. These guys aren't supposed to be seen as they migrate back to the water at night the same way their mother nested them. But for some reason a few were late and struggling to find the H2O so we gave em a hand. Alejandro and MP did the heavy lifting and dug around until we were sure we had them all...off to the future to these guys too. Is this sounding like I've planed a theme blog ?
So this morning as every morning I gave it all the faith I had and guess what ? It works . Only 5 casts after I landed my first Robalo of the season I have a heavy, and I mean heavy fish on and thinking it could be another Robalo I go real easy on him. Well I finally land and release about a 10 pound Toro and my cold spell is officially in the books. I really shouldn't make so much of it because ya know that doing the things you love is easy, I just worry that this planet is starting to run our of things, things I love, I think I can see that 20 -20.

So the other day me and MPeasy headed up the beach for a LaMarina get away. It's been difficult to do as we have a new rock jetty that you can't climb over all the time to access the beach to the north. But we've has a northerly current and the sand filled it up and we're free....free at last. We sit down at a real Mexican beach side Pescaderia and decide to go with shrimp ceviche and Pacifico's. The waiter asks if we want the camerons cooked or raw and MP surprised me and  replied 'raw'...oh boy we're finally all in on the risk taking deal and let me tell ya , it was wonderful authentic ceviche. So I guess to theme base that deal...I feel good about us, we gotta keep moving, keep trying things , be bold and move on. You know one of my Jeffro ism's is ' this ol life ain't a dress rehearsal '... SO, we wish you all health , happiness . Love and adventure in 2020. Let's all lookout for a healthy future for all of us and this big round rock that lets us stay here for a short time.

1 comment:

  1. Your funny and nice to see you have the courage to admit the Y2K BS. Don't worry, my brother-in-law fell for it hook line and sinker, sold his nice home in Naples, FL because he though Florida was going to be cut off from the world, bought a small place in the mountains of North Carolina. Like you friend, he had a years worth of toilet paper, 3 - 1000 pound tanks of propane brought in, a whole house generator, and enough ammo to supply a small army. Well your situation is much better than my last weeks fiasco! Enjoy and Happy New Year!
