Pretty obvious that the dollar is shrinking wouldn't ya say .
I guess I wrote about the covid to's been a long three weeks and my recovery was slower and harder than I thought it would be. But , I'll save you the details and just say that old Guide #003 is back in the game and feeling 99 % , you know at my age it's always something....and that's why ( here's the unabashed sales pitch ) I have become friends with these wonderful ladies at Marina Spa.
Being a 100% guy my back hurts from time to time and massage therapy is not only a cool indulgence while in Mexico but I'm here to tell you it helps. Isabel, Martha and Tama know the way. I've known Martha for 15 years and when my back is at it's worst with the sciatica pain running down my legs she knows the pressure points and has helped me sooooo Mazatlan peeps, give them a try. Marina Spa Camaron Sabalo # 1502 in the mini mall next to Henderson Meats , 669-225-6693 . And if you read this ladies, thank you for being so wonderful.
to quote Robert Earl Keen ' it feels good feeling good again' . I missed these morning's of watching night turn to day, being the first on the beach with every day bringing new hope, it's the same feeling I had every morning on the run down river for 37 years...wondering what would happen, anticipating. Before the moon sinks it feels like there's more light from different angles and it seems to ricochet around differently than a sunset....
I had a camera crisis. I brought two and they both gave up on's been a kinda a bad karma mechanical run I've been on. But friends brought me a new Waterproof Lumix from North of the Border and I'm once again on the search for the unusual. I like this pic real good.
You've heard me speak of momentum many times . I firmly believe that when things are going good they continue, objects in motion tend to stay in motion. I started Monday with this nice little Paleta that is smaller than a real Snook which was to come later. They are great eating but you need to get about one per person.

The next morning I was up by Dan's house before light. Just as I turned off my headlamp I got the jerk and knew it was a snapper. The rocks up there are way more covered than I've ever seen them and they just aren't holding the fish they usually do. These Snapper fight so different, they pull and try to go right back down to the rocks from which they came...Two days, two consumables.
Of course I hustled up to the same spot the next morning and nadda but as I sat on the Terrace reading a cool book about ocean Life Guards in California I could see the Pelicans hunting and the little white birds were signaling...It's kinda hard to throw at low tide and maybe a bit dangerous but me and my new friend Armando worked over the Toro's pretty good. The long skinny things the locals call Cheeto's. They have a soft moth and you only land every 3rd or 4th but they jump and are great sport.

So that brings us to this morning. My friend Tim Lockwood arrived and of course his first morning on the beach I knew exactly where he'd be. He was there of course and when I arrived we really visited and were unhurried about the fishing although we could both see bird activity and lots of baitfish along the foamy whitewater...perfect formula for Robalo. And it wasn't long before I had the pull, when I told Tim it was heavy he said it looked Snooky and he was right. The first one weighed over 12 pounds. Here's pic of me with one right before the release.

If we'd had more Team Xers around who knows how many we could have caught . Tim went at it methodically and missed a few and landed 2. I kept the first and then had a surf / sand release and then another release. I missed a couple and had one open his moth and just about got the lure but he and I both ran out of water, they were right on the shore, how we don't see the splash from their tail as they swim by I don't know. Pretty darn tonight we'll have snook with The Lockwoods and and Sharon and Bill Radke from Slowdotna Alaska at Loco Loco's. They're are friends and with these larger fish I clean up the carcass real well and Javier's and Jamie's mother makes soup, it's surprising how much meat the fillet job and the collar leaves.
Ya'all come on back now, ya hear ?