Tuesday, January 4, 2022

The Covid Kid

 That sounds kinda catchy huh ?  Sorry for the pun as it's really all not that funny but Crisco sent me this video and I got to say....it was pretty darn chuckly as I recovered.

The day after Christmas I had a scratchy throat and just didn't feel right and after consulting with MP and convincing her that I really was sick we both decided to do as the CDC recommends and test for Covid. Well I got swabbed and forked up the 900 peso and went back to the condo where MP brought me the positive results news and grabbed another 900 peso for her test, which was negative. This scenario was exactly why we missed Mexico last year but being vaxed and boosted we figured it was a different game plan now....and it is. Our biggest two problems were keeping MP safe while I quarantined  and the unsettling feeling I had that if things got bad I was a long way from the health care I know although as the covid progressed I soon realized that it was a text book Omicron case and it was proceeding exactly like the CDC said it would.....here's pic of the meds.
The biggest two things are hydrate, hydrate and don't watch the news. I used a Mucinex type of expectorant as well as a liquid Ambroxol type...to sleep I took a Mexican type of NightQuil and used an effervescent type of High dose Vitamin C . We used Tylenol only a couple of times when my temp got well over a hundred but that was only one day of the four that I had symptoms...So I guess the best thing I can tell you is that everything you need to know is on the CDC webpage and the symptoms, treatment and effect of the virus was exactly as they say...and that was comforting to me.  Here's a pic of my view for 4 days . Thanks baby....
Naturally how I caught it is the 42 dollar question but you don't have to be a rocket scientist to look around this building and figure that with our open door policy to the public and overall dysfunction it was right here in my own backyard. This sign went up after I tested positive and it only says that visitors of which we have many with public restaurant and bar as well as tri weekyl yoga etc should be advised that masks are recomended.....yup....suggested. 
So it's a real life petri dish here at LaMarina Yacht and Tenis. People test here daily....only because they have to to jump the jet and go home and complain about the price. As I was sick and waiting to test one lady here told me it was all a ' scam'.  I'm the only one that has tested in hopes of not spreading. We have people here that keep their illness a secret ' I don't want people knowing'.....yikes !  But the worst part are the unbelievers who keep there non vaxed status to them selves and give ya catty remarks about what you should have done when you're sick. Within 10 minutes of my postive test everyone in this building new I had the covid and that's a good thing but it's aggravating to think I'm living with people who withhold the truth about the risk they bring to you by being non vaxed idiots. That's the thanks that people like us who try to do everything right and then endure 6 days alone in your room so you don't spread to them...hell of a world.  So my message to LaMarina is this....ya'all better wise up. I know you all think I gave it to myself but it don't work that way....So if you don't mind getting in the elevator with a realtor and his people with no masks you shouldn't mind 6 days at home alone....but you people probably wouldn't do that , would you ? Good luck .
As I fished this morning one of my Mexican friends wanted to talk as I released a Toro. I stopped him short and asked him to stay back as I've had the covid but until I test negative I don't want him to take any chances so keep away for awhile...he thanked me and said he must be very careful as it has brought so much sadness to his family already.......

1 comment:

  1. I read from a certain political persuasion that we Vaxxers are the super spreaders.
