Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Normally different

 That title doesn't make sense to you ? Well....Ya know one of the unfair things in life is that anything can become routine if you let it. So that's my mission to approach things I've done over and over in a new light, a new day and a new outlook, things here in Mexico are normal.....but different.

Like one of our first sunsets...look how close I got to getting  the always allusive avian assist.  He wasn't lined up perfect like the a shot I got back on January 17th 2004 but it's a pretty darn cool assist.

We hit Maz at 5:00 p.m. and I had my fishing gear out at took me a couple dozen casts and I had my first consumable which I released to bank some karma . There was nobody on the beach to help with a photo so I had to settle for a sand scene. The last few mornings I've really enjoyed being alone on the playa, we are a few of the first snowbirds to know me , like a bad house guest I'm always the first to arrive and the last to leave.
I hadn't seen my friend Alejandro so I wasn't to surprised when I walked out in the twilight of sun up and knew it was him in the surf feeling around for sand crabs to use for his set line bait. 
They call them Conchita's and the snapper just love them. Years ago at the Mayan Palace my first Mexican friend Daniel showed me how to feel for them with your in feet and then grab then when the wave recedes. I've gotten pretty good at it through the years. At first I would use the easy method and watch for a sandpiper or an Oyster Catcher hunting for them and then shooo the bird off and get his crab.
I guess I'm kind of an expert on this stuff in Mazatlan, of course whenever I used the word expert my friend Ralph ImHolte would remind me that an ex is a has been and a spirt is a drip under pressure. So many people have generously showed me the way and it's my mission to do the many people....Carlos Laggette, Slah Salhi , Kiki Isquiredo , Antonio Lopez, Ramon Lizzaraga, Gabriel  . Mario , Sergio Tirado , Ernie Mills and Tim Lockwood, Dan Stewart and this man....Alejandro who I've known for 20 years . Thanks to all of you and I know there are so many I can't print them all....Jason .
As Alejandro and I chat I cast and cast and a toro jumps on the line . Another release and we have a good laugh at the suggestion that we set a up Toro only tournament with a handicap system for gringo's.
On the world famous I used to tell people that the river is always changing, everyday is different as it's a living thing just like us and the salmon it provides for. Well the same is true for the beach and with this seasons 3 near misses by Hurricanes it has changed so much that it's making my everyday life difficult because there is literally 12 to 15 feet of sand  missing and now even a small tide comes up to the seawalls. It's semi dangerous to wade in front of the seawall because when the bigger wave comes you can get smeared against the cement. I learned as a set net commercial fisherman that every 7 th wave is larger so you watch and count...and then run to the other end of the seawall. Here's a pic of a wall that me and Dan normally set our surf satchels on or sit on and have a protein bar breakfast. 
So the other night I ordered our new Limo over to take us out to F.I.S.H. for an oyster Po Boy and an extra Large Pacifico. 
We finished out the week with a Sunday morning bike ride with a stop at our favorite Menudoteria. I always have regular Menudo and MP went with the is good and we are soooo happy to be back in Mazatlan. and from a creative perspective the Staff is really happy that I have more to write about than Zuchini's and other normally different things in Montana. I just loaded a new SD card in my camera so I'll be in the watch AND be playing some music real soon. Tonight we are going to old town for the Day of the Dead celebration and will over night at the La Siesta like we do,  should get some great costume photo's and the always unusual free beer come on back ya'all.

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