Thursday, December 15, 2022

Lucky Man

I been that way my whole life . Now in the military they say luck is where preparation meets opportunity but for me it's just simply curiosity and just a 6th sense that  I listen to in myself that leads me to right place at the right time ...and so it goes in Mexico....How many people do you know who will get on a bus they've never been on just to find out where it goes ?  Me and MPeasy have done it quite a few times. Here in Mazatlan it goes like this - you end up in a Colonia that you've never seen and generally end up in that area's biggest shopping area where you get off and wander and wonder . You jump the same bus name going the other direction and walla, you've made your own luck.

That's my second nice Snook of the season. It's mid morning and well after I've had my yoga nap. I'm trying to read on the terrace and the sun is frustratingly shining onto my tablet making it hard to see the print. I notice the foamy water and tell MP I'm gonna go catch a robalo and get the stick with a green rubber swim fish with a chartreuse tail. I don't get my tackle satchel because I have a feeling that I'm not fishing long....walla.....4 cast later and I'm hooked up. I put ol slimey safely near the shower and hurry down for another cast. I feel the bite and he's gone immediately . I check out the hook and my rubber has been bit in half and I think the wiggling tail has much to do with the lures effectiveness so I'm done fishing . I gifted him to a friend as a Christmas present.....lucky, lucky , lucky is what Chick Kishbaugh used to say.

I remember an Indy 500 win by one of Roger Penske's guy when the race leader crashed on the last lap and Roger's driver won .  An interviewer observed that they got ' pretty lucky ' when Roger quipped "  people who work hard get pretty lucky ".  Here's a pic of our new friend Kurt with his first outstanding Robalo for which he invested hours and days  of casting always knowing that he was getting closer and closer to the catch....which he released giving him a karma bank account to fall back on....
We've all heard the euphemism " I'd rather be lucky than good ' ....well I don't see it that way , in my life I've always wanted to be good and lucky or really good at lucky . The other day I changed lures probably 7 or 8 times before I finally caught a snapper on a small Ernie endorsed rubber swim fish . I released the fish as we were in the middle of a red tide and I just had a many people do you know who would take off the proven lure right after a catch....well I was feeling lucky so I gave the brightly colored swim fish the hook and put on a dull red bigger one  and a few casts later had this guy. 
Now if you wanna experience the magic that comes with luck or really is luck ya gotta go in search. You ain't gonna find the silver lining by only looking at the outside. Me and MPeasy love all things Mexico....Carnaval- gotta go...Day of Dead - we come early for that one...Feast  of  Our Lady of Guadalupe - we're in....what could be cuter than kids dressed up as Juan Diego who was lucky enough in 1531to be granted three times the vision of the Virgen Mary who's likeness was etched onto the shirt that he wore and then wrapped roses into to take back to town. What can be cuter than this ?  I 'll answer first.....nothin .

Two blocks surrounding the Cathedral are packed with food carts and picture booths. I throw some lettuce into the offerings bowl that a couple of priests were holding as people made their way into the church, I think of my mom and know she'd like that...So then it's time to quit lookin at all the wonderful fresh food and eat it, MP has a weakness for Churro's . How's about these hotcakes ? We kinda noticed a sweet theme with the food, after all it's all about kids .
So Christmas in coming with our annual Christmas concert . Then first Friday art walk and of course New Years eve when we lie in the sand and look at the stars to prepare for another trip around the sun. I'm even making a resolution and I'll do it right now. I promised at least two  Mile 14 episodes a month to match my new lifestyle and I know I've been just barely making that....I'll try harder in 2023 because....I love you all and really appreciate your interest in this quest that I'm on. Merry Christmas my friends !!!! 

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