Wednesday, January 3, 2024

see ya around 2023


2023.....whooh....had just about enough of that one . And so it goes, you get THE phone call a couple to many times . You get the first round of no nonsense - can't get around it pain you've ever had . You get disappointed  by people . Depression sits in and all the songs you've relied on for 50 years to help you feel better don't . You miss people and places . You wonder why and why and why.....and then you know what, the year is over and we work on renewal . The best part of your melon steps up to let you know the obvious , nothings forever and looking back is a fool's errand. So we make a plan knowing full well that the first casualty in every battle is the battle plan . But it helps your renewal to know you've got a plan and just maybe, just maybe, it'll all be better, maybe even just fade away.

And along the way it's like fresh air, you know people love you but you've known that for so long you just kinda forgot what it means, how it works , how it helps and walla, that's renewal . It's a call that arrives at exactly the right time. It's a simple ' how ya doing ' ? It's a I got second cousin in Wikashebee that went through that, want me to call him ' ?. It's even just give him room , confident that he's a smart guy who will figure it out . So here's some love, it's a wink .

So there we are, how I've been feeling. I might be the oldest guy ever to have a mid life crisis . With this post I'm wiping it clean. I just wanted my tribe to know that I wasn't dodging work, I wasn't out of adventure or maybe that I was was just that I' always wanted Mile 14 to be nothing but fun and for just a while there I was out of it, used it up....I love to write and will continue, just needed some of that fresh air .

He's the old school
and he won't say .
When he's hurting 
he'll just hide away.
Till it's over 
and tears are dry.
He's the old school 
and you can't see him cry.
Thanks to John Hiatt


  1. 2024 is the year buddy! I'm hiring a fishing guide to take me bass fishing on the same lake I take my own boat bass fishing. I'm not very good at it. Need me to floss a sockeye, no problem. Bass, problem. lol. Have a great 2024 Jeff!!

    1. I feel your pain Nate....It's been humbling to me, show up at the Lake with all the best stuff and oh boy, way more learning curve that I ever thought. But there in lies the mystery of it all.
