But I ain't gonna be scaredy chicken to no ol fish and through it all I managed to land a slimey or two. It was dark when I hit this nice big Toro and wouldn't ya know there was no one around to take the pic so I took my old blue weatherproof Lumix and held it up in front of me and captured the magic.
I jumped the bus to Mar Rosa the other day where we all think the best rocks for collecting fish exist. So I gotta tell ya Tim I got there at high tide and the new tourist jungle business there has re enforced the sea wall with just enough huge rip rap that I get can't get above the surf enough to safely walk down to the place, remember the " be careful " part . Pretty damn insensitive to a bunch of ole fish hounds if you ask me . So you know me I keep the faith and keep throwing every morning. I'm far from 100 % but I can do a couple of hours pain free and then when I do get to feeling it in the neck it's just kinda like a stiff neck with a tolerable dull ache......no tingling , no spasms like I was having before the ablation. Yahoo ! And of course it's all in the math ...E minus B flat, x 7.2 squared to the 4th power and divided by .04 percent of January 6th equals my first consumable, a nice Cocoanaco snapper.... But....that's the slimey that seemed to affect my ciguatera fish toxin the most and I'm scared to eat them like I used to. I let him swim away deciding that the next Robalo I catch I'll try some in hopes I can now keep it down, ain't ate any of it for 3 years now.And just this morning I watched my new friend Juan Carlos catch the biggest Toro I've ever seen caught on the playa, maybe 16 pounds or so. This fish gave up the good fight.....But then disaster happened. I threw an air knot in the brand new ultra thin Suffix line that Kurt gifted me. I loved that stuff and try as I might to untangle I ended up losing a bit of it....and here's the ' but then ' part...and then I re tied my leader and loaded up and threw the long cast not looking for Pelicans as there's been so few of them and Walla...it snags a ' Christmas turkey ' as Slah calls them and when I tightened up to stop him from getting it all the line parted and all my new Suffix flew away......jeez Louise....After that it was a screw the fishing morning and I took a nice long bike ride. This is my favorite tree in Mazatlan. I can't tell you what it is but it's huge , spanning the whole Island on Cameron Sabalo Cerritos. It's always full of birds ....
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Of course you notice that nice bike/hiking path that Mazatlan furnished for us . When we first came to this area there was nothing here, nothing...and now there's lots and lots of new buildings and more people but this path is the benefit of progress. It's safe ( remember the ' be careful ' deal ) and runs 3 miles to the end of Cerritos and it's well used....thank you Mazatlan.
And of course as much of a sun up guy I am who couldn't love the sunsets here....Hope ya come back in 10 days or so .
My girlfriend was waiting for me int eh same place as always.
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