Saturday, April 30, 2011


' The river will deliver' is one of my sayings so a riverey is kind of like a delivery but just between me and the river. This first pic is my first riverey of the season, last week when I woke up and didn't have to go to guide school I celebrated with one of my favorite things, J+J salvage at mile 14.
Although not a record this was a pretty good haul. For some reason the Vibrax spinners are always fresh and shiny but the Pixie lures are always rusty, I release them.  You notice a fairly high end pair of lineman's pliers, its not hard to imagine that anybody that would get into his tool box before heading to the river might drop things overboard.  The other thing that left me wondering is how somebody could lose their flag? However it happened we're going to clean it up and respectfully fly it right here at the river, another story to tell.

You know me, always on the look out for the unusual and this trip was no different. The first pic is a tire frozen in an upright configuration, now how'd mother nature do that? I suspect this tire might have escaped from mile 14 where we routinely use them to buffer the boats so in the spirit of spring cleaning I returned it to its rightful owner. The next pic is....well.....a sign. I've been on kind of a sign jag lately so this baby jumped right out at me. You all know how I feel about signs but don't do it, don't think that....I didn't do it. Honest. This State Park sign is so shot up you can't even read it so let me tell you what it used to say.....' Don't Have Fun Here"..."By Order of the Commissioner". 
Somewhere I heard that the first casualty in every battle is the battle plan.  That's what happened with my greenhouse project. Over breakfast one day I told MPeasy that I'd get it done it two days and two hundred dollars. Well, two weeks and a 'G' note later there she stands all ready for tomato residence. Kind of a cute little bugger isn't it?  Like the ageing athlete when it comes to carpentry I guess I'm beginning to lose a step or two. After making my lists and checking them twice I only made a total of 9 trips to the lumber store...if you think that's alot of windshield time to complete a project you ought to see me do plumbing. I burn a tank of gas and then have enough wrong/leftover parts to plumb a water park.
This week we're getting boats out. I'll be on the river tomorrow looking and I wouldn't be surprised if we have a tug on the line in the next week or two. The river is considerably under the 40 year average for flow so it will be a challenge running the powerboats....just the way I like it.  Come back and check it out and thanks for following life here at Mile 14.


  1. I love the greenhouse! Want to come build me one too??

  2. Have Bob build you one useing the chainsaw...
