Wednesday, April 15, 2020


Boy howdy...and I thought the days blend together in Mexico ! So like just about all of us I've been looking for things to do. Life here at Mile 14 is kind of unique, we have wilderness so we can adventure outside whenever we want...but...there's still 2 ft. of snow. So you know how I loves list's, they give the appearance of organisation to a decidedly unorganized life and I haven't done one for a while so here goes...
Things I did this week
1. Learned to play Farkle

2. Learned to play Farkle frenzy

3. Found the Kaminsky Method on Netflix

4. Finished the Kaminsky Method on Netflix

5. Built a T.V. antennae

6. Found a recipe for Menudo ( will report back )

7. Read three books... The Farfarers is going to take me bit Willie ( will report back)

8. Watched the 1998 Daytona 500

9. Paid bills...all out come and no in come.

10. Took sauna

Speaking of the sauna....years ago as MPeasy and me headed down the hill on the 4-wheeler she being the astute one in the bunch pointed out that we were breaking every single safety recommendation that was prominently posted on the machine. Yikes....well, we still are.
I did a smart thing and stocked the wood for the sauna before leaving for Mexico last October and that was a good thing because you'd need a Huey Helicopter to get the job done now.  But we had a great fire that hit the optimum 180' within about 15 minutes and had about 3 ten  minute sessions at 180 before going up the hill to fall asleep during The Curse of Oak Island....Ya know I tell people they'd better be watching because you wouldn't want to miss it when they find the treasure, well, wake me up when that happens eh MP...?

Now I'm going to take a chance and publish this sauna photo just so you can see what we're dealing with on our historically late break up / lasting snow / frozen river / etc...and of course there's the fact that I'm an unabashed egotistical ....well, let's say I'm comfortable in my own body and thought that people who know me and know how hard and long I've tried to get to 185 pounds might get a kick out of seeing what it looks like. 😎
You've noticed I've been trying to publish a few songs's medicine for me. So you're going to have to suffer through another one. But, I promise from here on  until life gets semi-normal I'll try to keep it to just one week. This on here is one I searched out about 35 years ago when the fog had just started to lift for me... I HOPE ALL of you are doing well and keeping your spirits up, remember what we say here at Mile 14... &%$#* &>* I just FARKLED again !!!

1 comment:

  1. I used to just say....I see your still celebrating St. Patrick's Day.........when's the last time you brushed your teeth?
