Wednesday, April 22, 2020

It's Amazing

how fast seasons change here, I'll never get used to it. All of you that read this regularly know that a week ago we still had freezing weather , a frozen river and 3 ft. of snow. Well about 5 days ago it got to be in the 40's during the day and the high 30's at night and never mind that during this time of year we gain 7 minutes of daylight everyday, think about that, in seven days we have an hour more sunlight. We've had an open ' lead' at the launch for a week but this series of pics is the last 3 days taken from about the same place.

 Below is last night as the break up was occurring. The open water pushed all the ice onto the shallow riff below the property and stopped the current. We watched the water level rise a full foot or more.
 And then this morning it had released taking all the ice and water with it.
Last night as it jammed up I took this short 16 second video. At first the ice crunched so loud we could hear it at the house. MP and I hung out at the launch after supper hoping it would release so I could get a video but no such luck. It must have happened shortly after we climbed the hill though.
So this morning as soon as it was light and even before we ate we hustled down to the river to see what it looked like. I found my first treasure of the 2020 season in exactly 2 minutes, the river had washed up this gorgeous K-14 Kwikfish...I was a little excited so when I handed the camera to MP she said I needed my ' O ' face.
So now the season will start in earnest. I don't know what is going to happen and I expect the launch will have few if any customers.....BUT, I'm anxious to get on with some fishing of my own and outdoor work like cutting all the beetle kill spruce I can handle. We've been home from Mexico a little over a month now and it was a long one...but I gotta say we kept the faith and didn't miss a single day of getting our 3 mile walk in, and I do 45 minutes on the stationary bike every morning. Some of the days walking fell into that ' ya gotta want to do it ' category.
It's been a little wet eh ? Hows about the Peninsula's biggest mud puddle, brought to you by the Soldotna Chamber of Commerce, I personally think it's a promotional shot and should be sent out with every request for info from people who are thinking of moving here. I'm standing there in the middle.
This year we took a a Fire Stick to Mazatlan as our building continually  cuts back on services like television.  Our internet wasn't as good as it could be to run it flawlessly but it did run it well enough to know we need to use it in Alaska where we do have good internet. We had left our Dish Network service on for our house sitter and low and behold it was blanking out and not working right. The Dish people said the satellite had moved and I needed to have the Dish re- positioned.... Nope, considering we have no live sports and the service cost some serious $$$$ I decided I was cutting off the service . With more than a little time on my hands I researched Over The Air TV and almost ordered an antennae from Amazon when I came across the do it yourself approach on YouTube. Unbelievable how good it works, I built an antennae for both TV's and now get 18 channels Over The Air. They are all 5 major networks in high definition  as well as some I've never heard of before but with that and the Firestick we've got all the TV we need, for about a hundred bucks less a month. Here's pic of one of the antennas being made and then installed ( we're close to the broadcast tower )
And my song of the week....I put this up on Youtube a while back. But tonight I'm going to sit down and record a new one so I hope you come back...In the meantime I hope you all stay well, keep smiling. πŸ˜ŽπŸŸπŸ’šπŸŽΈπŸŽ΅πŸš€


  1. You better be careful with that homemade antenna, your likely to get some outer space TV.

  2. Well I don't know about outer space but I did get WKRP the other night

  3. Congrats we cut the cable about 5 years ago. If you got a smart tv and internet you can get another 180 I think.
