Tuesday, February 7, 2023

My glimpse at the future

That's some good stuff right there . It get's hot, it's got a ' caine ' drug in it and when applied people will always know you're hurting....I mean why would you want to smell that way if you weren't ?

Me and all my friends have thought that I was always a pretty tough guy and I  might even be...but....even the Iron Man can rust. I've been really slowed down by a pinched nerve in my neck that is brought on by the repetitive motion of my thing, surf casting. As I researched it I found it's common as we age and is very common with older people that golf and I suppose the swing and retrieve of a 100 yarder is much like hitting a driver. The other day I only got about 15 casts in and had to quit, then a whole day on the heat pad and now I'm in my 7th day of not fishing , my 3rd or 4th relapse . I'm going to try it again tomorrow and hope I'm better. Just have to stop what's causing  electric spasm type pain .

For years I've carried an over the shoulder surf bag with all my gear and of course I'd carry it on my left shoulder which is exactly where the spasm's started about 8 weeks ago. So now I'm a fanny pack guy and instead of carrying 2 of everything and I mean everything now I'm down to one of way fewer things...did I ever tell ya that I tend to over do things ? I got rid of the camera tripod , my can of V8 breakfast, spare batteries and two pounds of Ranger Lures just in case I see some Roosterfish...my advisors at Team X agree it should help going forward.
One thing we learned going through 2 knee replacements with MP is that if you only have so many steps or casts in a day before you just can't do it anymore you need to have a strategy to put them to best use. So now rather than being the head of Personel and motivation officer I've assumed the new role of  Team X office of counsel and unwanted / unneeded advice . What I've found out about that is if you're not fishing you're just kinda in the way....here's the guys doing just fine without me .Nux has been carrying the freight and if I was hitting as well as Tim after cleaning my days catch I'd head for the Casino. 

Nux and Mrs Nux ( Becky ) are like me and MP , they do everything together with just surf fishing being the exception there, MP kinda like her quiet time while I'm chasing fish and wearing our my neck, back , arms and knee's . So Becky tells me she's never caught a Snook and sure would like to...well it's the magic of momentum that I've often spoke of when I told her the first is always the hardest. She started out with this one and then shortly followed up with it's twin sister. Very Cool !
So tomorrow I'm getting up early. I'll try a different rod in hopes that will help/. I'll do  the stretching exercises that Serge showed me and then butter up with Lumboxen...sure hope the driver lets me on the bus smelling that way. Then I'm taking some of the muscle out of the cast which I hope I can do, it's not in my nature. I'll cast more deliberately by waiting for just the right wave timing so every cast is as good as it can be.  And if I feel a bit of tingle in my neck I'm not going to make 10 more casts just to be sure it's going to hurt like hell again, I'll quit . Wish me luck and see you guys tomorrow . 

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