Sunday, March 5, 2023

Always learning

 Well, that month slipped right by. And how's about that New Years resolution I made to fire up Mile 14 with more posts and restore it to it's former glory....mmm....the first casualty of every battle is the battle plan, I could give you some ' the dog ate my homework ' kinda stuff but that fact is I've been kinda in doldrums and this new personal record of 5 months in Mazatlan has me counting flowers on the wall . It's like Bill Murray's Ground Hog Day , it's a big blend of " what day is it honey " ?  and " we gotta get out of this building , what do ya wanna do " ?  One of my wiser friends who retired from the worlds best job told me once that there's nothing you can't do to much of and this year we've done to much Mazatlan.

I mean we're still finding new and fun things like a 3 Kilo bag of Cheetos but it's different, we damn near bought it to officially end my long running plan to get down to 185 pounds. I almost gave up, almost.

Of course my neck is somewhat better so I'm back to fishing at about 2/3 speed.  Tim and the guys have some dandy fish surrounded over in town but I don't get there to much, right now I kinda need to seek my own counsel so I fish alone .

Now I'm not bored enough to start stacking rocks and making a beachside decoupage  to celebrate my mood and to communicate with my fellow wanderers like this person did..... but I gotta tell you that  I sat there and followed along for 15 minutes or so, I got lots of time here in Mazatlan.
So here's a few things I learned.

1.  you can read until you see double..

2. Some of our friends who do extended stays here sometimes go back and forth during the season....they're smarter than me.

3. People like songs they know better than songs they've never heard until I sing em. Now that one stunned me. A wonderful friend clued me in, she said it makes the listeners feel involved when they know the wonder I got cut from the LaMarina music scene. I'm always working on new stuff and searching for just the right song to tell people how I am and ask how are they....I'll tell ya how they are, they don't like it.

4. Eating your big meal of the day in the afternoon will help relieve restlessness. And I think it helps you digestive track and for me my desire to lean down to 185. So...after cocktail hour it's " pass the salad please '.

5. Listening to 25 year old podcasts of Art Bell talking about the shadow people and the energy of the Roswell saucer crash really helps...that stuff will capture you !

6. I've turned into a sunset snob....unless it's cloudy I stay and practice songs nobody wants to listen to.
Yesterday was me and MP's 45th anniversario ( see there I'm actually learning Spanish ) and we went to a new Place and had a wonderful night, we talked about how we got here. We talked about all the good, no bad.....gawd I love that woman. It was new Italian place called Toto's and we had great brick oven pizza...but it was kinda weird. MP picked out the pizza with all the things she likes, artichoke hearts , dry salami, mushrooms etc....well the pizza came with segments, every two pieces had one fo the ingredients and not the rest.....mmm... So we get back to LaMarina and the guys who made the music team were playing so we sat down for a listen and this came with our order....Thank you friends. 
The good news we're on final approach and will be back in Montana on St. Paddy's day.  I've promised MP I'll spend much time in the garage and we'll have both vehicles fired up so she can ski daddle anytime she wants . She ain't said it but I know she's dying to go shopping at the thrift stores....and we got our annual Costco check to spend on some frivolous fun thing they might have in stock. AND I'll get to play all of my guitars that's had 5 months or rest, guess I'll polish up all the classics and learn Hotel California, maybe even take a shot at Stairway to Heaven....The Alaska / Mazatlan Refuges will see ya soon Montana.

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