Monday, February 15, 2010

Is it time for Recess Yet ?

Today it was time to leave the rooster hunt and check on our spot for Corvina. Although the Corvina have been dead dog slow Oceanica north of town is the place and in the past its delivered so much so often. To not check on it would be kind of like running the river and not stopping to look at Eagle Rock. So Slah, Ernie and Me head out at 5:30 am to be in place at light. We stop and cast for an hour at 4th point, the steadiest spot out there...nodda. Then we head north another 2 or 3 miles and cast for another hours...nodda. Often we drop each other off 1/4 or 1/2 mile from each other to cover more area. The only way to know if they're around is to cast, and cast alot. Unlike the Rooster, you can't see these guys. At one stop we loose a couple but Slah is convinced that they're the orange variety which are individuals and we'd like to find the school fish. So we move on. As you can see, this beach is steep and deep where the Rooster likes flat and shallow. Finally we're getting a little casters elbow going so we stop for Fruit that Slah brought and I have some dried shimp thats you eat entero. Its like shrimp jerky. I take this shoot of the team. You guys haven't met my friend Ernie Mills yet on the right. Ernie is 10 years older than me and a retired Fireman from just outside of Toronto. He's about as lean as you have ever seen a 66 year old man and although he only does simple push ups and crunches his muscle definition is amazing. Ernie lost his wife 2 1/2 years ago and he must of have been goofy in love as he's still not 100%. He's not lonely, just alone. He has a solitaireness about him that I think is great inner strength. I can't imagine ever not having MP and only hope I could be as good a man as Ern is. Ernie has a flair for language and has taught me alot, like the word 'shamozle'. It would be used in a sentence like this..."yesterdays Daytona 500 was a real shamozle". Oh, he's also and expert fisherman and is the only guy in Mazatlan that gets up earlier than me to fish.

Being a bit on the A.D.D. side I'm becoming distracted and looking for shells and stuff when I spot this platform. We surmise that its for a sea turtle protection program but then again it could just be that somebody wanted a tree house on the beach wheres theres no trees. So, its time for Recess. Naturally I have to be the first one up and off I go. As I get closer I notice it has a decided lean to the north and no diaganol braces to help the wobble...and oh baby does it ever wobble with 200 pounds of me on it. I figure its just barely safe enough, Slah being Mexican figures its perfectly safe and almost osha approved. Ernie being a fireman figures he's used to risking his life. We all three climb it of course. Heres the view inland and the view to the sea.

Its about 11 as we figure we better get going. MP likes some time away from me if you can imagine that, but I figure 6 hours is a bit much. We stop and fish just a bit more but as we ride south Slah scans the surf, ifs theres fish around he knows it. We're almost to the car when we get waved over by some guys in several jeeps. Its Billy Chapman and his friends from Anglers Inn at El Salto. Billy has alot going on with several lodges and dream boat trips on the Amazon River. He's really interested in the Surf Fishing so he's run into just the right guys. They have a video camera and want Rooster pics so we go into executive session. Slah demonstrats the long cast and the guys are awed...and so was I. We discuss the in and outs of the Ranger Lure and why you need the Daiwa Emblem reel so you don't have in-flight bail closure which ends in catastrophic Ranger Loss. One guy named Phil had been to the Kenai and we discuss boating techniques, he says thats 'varsity level' stuff. What a great day, and Billy's buying supper..........

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog, Jeff. Frittered away the best part of a day reading it. Sounds like Hog Heaven down there.
