She's got a terrible chest cold and needs to rest. Its blowing at our building so I convince her that it'll be warmer on Stone Island and she can lay around there as easy as here. Well, I'm dieing to get back there, I know we can find more dollars and the low tide is mid day and we still didn't get down to see how the double knit set at Estrella del Mar live, I've been wanting to see that golf community in the middle of no where. She agrees to my begging and after a stop at the pharmacy to get her some expectorant we're on the water taxi Marco Polo on the way to the island...what a coincidence...MP !
So we go and have lunch with our friend Rudy at Pilis restaurant, the finest on the isla, MP always has the chicken and some tamale soup for me. Then its down the beach at 40 miles an hour, we gotta make time, theres alot to do and a lot to see, I gotta go go go, Estrella Del Mar is 15 miles down the beach.....So if you're looking for a totally isolated place, where you can buy a condo for only $450,000 bucks or a nice beach front house for a cool 1.5 million and then have nobody to talk to...this is the place for you. Its a planned golf community that's as gorgeous as anything I've ever seen, including Las Vegas. But, the marketing department must have missed a few meetings...this place is eery quiet, theres nobody home, nobody.So we head back north, against that 35 mph wind that was my bargaining chip to get to the island and oh boy...its bad. The salt cakes our classes, the sand is stinging our faces, MP doesn't have a coat....and I gotta stop for dollars. At one point I decide to head inland in hopes of finding the road that might be protected from the wind. But as I drive the 4-wheeler into the woods on what we in Alaska would call a trail I kinda sense disaster and having done enough really stupid stuff in my life to learn to respect that 6th sense I turn the 4-wheeler around and its back to the beach. No biggy , just 10 more miles to Rudy's....but by Jiminy...we got the dollars. Thank goodness MP was prepared and brought some ear plugs for herself ( that's how many rodeos she's been on with me ) or she'd have an ear infection to go with the chest cold.
We get home and shower the salt spray off of us and MP is actually feeling alright...and I gotta go, its my last Saturday night in Mazatlan and I have to play music at Aree Lu Lu's. She roles her eyes up and off we go. We had supper I played enough and on the way home I sensed her energy waning, no problem , I treat her to an indoor cab ride . ( in mzt they have the outside cabs called pulmonia's, which of course means pneumonia in Mexican )
So thanks MP, I know its not easy...but at least you ain't getting bored eh? You know I'm on that quest and I'm getting better, the next 34 I'm trying to make it less about me. Honest. But it seems to be working, we're crazy in love. Someone once asked her what the secret was for her. She said its easy, me and her are both in love with the same man. So tonight MP, its off to Topolo, the finest place in Mazatlan for our anniversary supper....we gotta go, go, go. xoxoxoxoxox xo xox xoxo xo
Congrats Uncle Jeff and Saint Patty!! Love you both.