Friday, July 3, 2015

10 Top reasons for no update to the blog

1. I dislocated my index finger landing a 72 pounder

2. ADF+G notified me that they'd sue if I mentioned them again in a blog

3. I've been busy peeing on Les Palmer's vegetable garden

4. My wi - fi has been effected by unusual displays of the Aurora Borealis

5. I took a 2nd job

6. I dropped my camera in the ocean at my friend's set net site

7. The Governor read my blog and said I was " doing a hell of a good job"

8. I've been channeling all my creativity into a new song titled ' If common sense were for sale I'd buy some for.....ooooooops can't mention those guys

9. I've become concerned about plagiarism

10. I under estimated how difficult it would be when I agreed to be Sargent at Arms for the Kenai River Sport fishing Association

Yike, hang tight, I'll have some new stuff out REAL soon. And thanks for visiting Mile 14


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