Sunday, January 24, 2010

Mickey Mantle and Roger Maris

Thats how good these two guys are. slah says they're the best and coming from Slah thats a pretty darn lofty compliment. On the left is Sergio and then on the right is Geranimo. Sergio is credited with starting the long cast fishing here in mazatlan about 10 years ago. These guys co-operate as a team like Micky and Roger and are both classy guys just like my comparison. They have a reverance for the Roosterfish that is part respect, part awe, part conservation and a big part fun. If theres roosters on the beach, these guys are there, early. When I met Geranimo after talking about the fish right in front of us he asked me if I let them all go...Using the word the 'all' for the few I'm lucky enough to catch was like a huge compliment to me I think.

The other day the roosters were spread out all up and down the beach and mostly were singles I think. So I've learned not to squander my cast and I'm watching one work closer to shore and I'm getting ready when Geranimo pulls up on the quad. I point at the fish and just a few seconds later over my shoulder I a 'whiiiishhh' and his Ranger ( a blue and white one) goes flying directly in front of the Rooster. Splash, set, fish on....snap, fish off. I actually see the Rooster swim away with the Ranger. Geranimo had something locked up in the reel and it parted his 40 pound power pro. No sniveling, just a big smile, a little chuckle and he goes to digging in the bag for another reel. Cool. I learned two things from that....I better cast when these guys are around and although I get distance, accuracy is just as important and thats what I need to work on.Heres a pic of Sergio casting. I call him 'BatMan' because he likes to wear black and he's that good. And like BatMan he has all the right stuff, lots of gadgets. His wind up goes like this...about as much line hanging as his rod is long. He looks over his shoulder and watches it do a kind of figure 8 behind him and at just the right second when there seems to be just the right amount of slack to the lure to give it that snap he explodes with the cast. His trajectory is higher than mine and is the same every time. Its a beautiful thing. So if its true that you're known by who you associate with between these guys and Slah I'm finally in the Majors for sure.


  1. It was nice meeting you at the beach Jeff.

    Regarding the casting technique, GerĂ³nimo casts with much more line out of the rod than I.

    In this video you can clearly see how much line is out for the cast.

    Saludos y suerte,


  2. Thanks for that Sergio. I have trouble controling alot of line but I notice Slah uses alot as well. Yours is less. I also notice a difference in the swing, both you and Geronimo seem to go overhead more where I seem to get more speed if I start kind of side-arm but then end overhead. Watching you I think I've learned that the key to that accuracy is the overhead part.
