Monday, November 23, 2015

Oh baby, that's hot

Yup, I already caught 2 ladyfish and one Sierra but I'm pictureless. I just didn't have anybody around to shoot the pic for me and that will tell you how quiet it is in the beach right now. Like every year there seems to be a lot thing to get fixed...and it's all part of the lifestyle we love. Our Internet is still down so this will be short. Our sliding glass patio door was rusted shut, termites ate our kitchen cabinets and it took me a hell of long time to realize that the broken air conditioner ( which was job #1) was only a case of the remote control needing Alkaline battery's and not the cheapee's I tried.

We left Soldotna in a class 5 blizzard and were delayed in Kenai for several hours and then magically got on a Dash for that white knuckler to Anchorage that every Alaskan has experienced. Then more delays in Anchorage but we had a big lay over in L.A. so no biggy except for the fact that LAX is the crappiest airport in the least my world. The have airplanes with seats for 250 and waiting area's with seats for 12...But we arrived safe and sound to the warmest day ever for us in Mazatlan.
It was so hot I saw a dog chasing a cat ....and they were both walking. I love it.

Here's a couple pics of your truly, traveling light, smiling all I can and how about them saving the purtiest jet of all just for us.....thanks for a great job Alaska Airlines.


  1. nice!!! And I'm looking for colder weather:-)

  2. Bummer, life can throw obstacles our way and it’s up to you to get through them. I procrastinate a lot and I barely get things done that need to get fixed, I think we all do but hey we are human that’s what we do. Lol! Thank God, You arrived safe and sound to the warmest day ever in Mazatlan, so you got through your little disappointing episodes, great for you! Nice photos by the way! Good luck to you in the future my friend.

    Jodi Bennett @ Marsh Heating
